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El supercomputador mas sorprendente Blue gene/P

Wau me dije al ver las características de este monstruo simplemente sorprendente, trabaja como si se tuviera 200.000 computadores a la vez, su velocidad nada mas y nada menos 3.000 trillones de cálculos por segundo, y un consumo de 40 Kw de potencia simplemente wauuu

  1. Ultra-scalability for breakthrough science
    • Blue Gene/P: up to 294,912 cores, or 73,728 nodes
    • Cluster: typically 512-1024 nodes or less
  2. Highest capability machine in the world
  3. Highest reliability, highest HPC MTBF/TF (10-100X), low maintenance staff
  4. Low power (~4-10X), smallest footprint, lowest TCO (total cost of ownership)
  5. Broad range of scientific applicability at superior cost/performance
  6. High bandwidth for interprocessor communication (7.5X compared to typical clusters)
  7. Low latency, high bandwidth memory system and interprocessor communication system
  8. Familiar programming models: MPI, OpenMP, POSIX I/O
  9. Reproducible, deterministic runs, easy to trace errors, and tune performance
  10. Huge total memory bandwidth for data intensive applications such as search

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

pasuuu diablooooo

Anónimo dijo...

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